How do you wear a suit in summer without breaking a sweat? 

Well, men are always quite disappointed with summers. The one and only reason behind this disappointment is that they begin to sweat when dressed up in suits for almost the whole day. And when a man experiences excessive sweat more than an ordinary man, then he is the most frustrated of all. That is why Bucco, your go-to suit bespoke tailor, has come up with some tips to stay cool and cozy without breaking much sweat!

Tips to stay sweat-free in summer suits

  1. Learn the art of wearing suits in summer

According to fashion experts, wearing summer suits is definitely an art. Why do they say so? They know the importance of when to button or unbutton your blazers, how to tailor your summer suits (loose or regular fit), etc. Learn more about mastering this art >>>

  1. Try using antiperspirants in different ways

An antiperspirant can minimize your sweat to a greater extent. Today, they are available in different forms, such as sprays, gels, powders, wipes, and, in fact, solids. So before you slip into your suit, you can use them to not break into excessive sweat. 

  1. Wisely choose the right summer suit fabric

Everyone knows cotton and linen are the best fabrics for summer. They are soft and comfortable, and at the same time, they keep you airy with enough ventilation and breathing. You can also explore the different varieties of cotton, and clear your doubts about whether you can wear wool fabric in the summer, etc. by deep diving into this article.  

  1. Ensure breathability even in socks and shoes

Apart from keeping you sweat-free in your suits, it is essential to keep your legs dry. Try your best to wear quick-drying, open-weave socks. This will keep your foot dry and ventilated, letting you relax on your foot.

  1. Limit your hours under the sun

When you plan your day out, that’s when you wear a suit. So, plan your day and your schedules smartly and during the cooler times of the day so that you don’t sweat much. 

  1. Follow the summer wedding suit guide

If you’re getting married in the summer, then you must strictly follow the summer wedding suit guide. Only by strictly following the guidelines, you stay sweat-free throughout your big day. Also, by doing so, you can save yourself from feeling embarrassed after people see your sweat through your suitings. Here are some perfect summer wedding suit ideas for men

  1. Attend events that are highly ventilated or air-conditioned

You cannot manage not to sweat at an outdoor event on a sunny afternoon. So, choose to attend events that allow for proper ventilation or AC to keep you breathable and dry throughout the event. 

  1. Pay attention to customized fittings rather than ready-to-wear suits

Imagine the way people will look at you when you wear a loose-fit blazer for the sake of summer but are not presentable during business conferences. Thus, you cannot compromise your attire for important business meetings in the summer or any other season for a fact. And that’s when custom-tailored suits make a major difference in how you present yourself to the audience. 
Contact the leading bespoke suit designers here!